WEBINAR–SCI in Rural Communities


Join the webinar via this Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82320223787?pwd=Y2xZTk01NjU1TnNMUUZpa2MvYzFrQT09 Meeting ID: 823 2022 3787 Passcode: ABSCILS

Zoom Peer Chat


Zoom Link https://zoom.us/j/2821857332?pwd=RnBpaG94WDd6ZWFYbjN1d1E1em50UT09

Post Webinar Chat


Come join us and continue the conversation with spinal cord injury alberta!  

Peer Zoom Chat


Come join us on zoom! Ask question, share stories, or just listen! Zoom link https://zoom.us/j/2821857332?pwd=RnBpaG94WDd6ZWFYbjN1d1E1em50UT09  

Zoom Peer Games


Come join us for some games and conversation on zoom. Zoom Id: 282 185 7332 Password: Wheels

Peer chat with Rocky Mountain Adaptive


Hey I have Rocky Mountain Adaptive joining me on Monday for a peer chat! Come learn about what they do, ask some questions and see if its something you would like to try! Here is their website https://rockymountainadaptive.com/ Zoom link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2933391628

Scotiabank Marathon Charity Challenge – Virtual

Use this link to register https://raceroster.com/31474?aff=HGNM3 Registering • Click register on the right and then click which events you would like to register for. You have the option of doing it virtually or in person. Virtually you can do it anywhere and anytime during the month of September. • Fill in your information • If […]



Register today at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYudemqrDgtEtO7cz_dwT6PazvW6MhG-M9T click here to register