Southern Alberta Art Gallery 403-327-8770 Wheelchair accessible facility
Motion Lethbridge (403) 388-4924 Rental, repairs, and funding support
Chinook Reginal Hospital – Indigenous Wellness Core (403) 388-4924 accessible, culturally appropriate health services for First Nations, and Metis
Leading Edge Mobility 403-861-5830 Wheel Chair repair located in Lethbridge. Owner’s name is Bob.
Crossing Playground The ground is wheelchair friendly. Several of the play structures are designed with wheelchairs in mind
Red Cross Short Term Loan Program 403-317-7194 Can borrow medical equipment such as walkers, wheelchairs, bathseats, benches, toilet seats, etc. Referral required
Adaptable Outdoor recreation society 587-875-0699 Provides programing and adapted equipment for ourdoor activities, such as kayaks, canoes, all terrain wheelchairs, and fishing gear
Lethbridge Sledge Hockey Club 403-382-7534
Lethbridge Wheelchair Basketball Association 403-359-4169 Drop in, wheelchair’s provided.
Therapeutic Recreation – Sledge Hockey 403-382-0380 Organized by AHS
Hope for Wellness Help Line 1-855-242-3310 Help line for all indigenous people of Canada
Aakom-Kiyii Health Services 403-965-3809 or 403-965-3822 Community healthy and support, including transportation, for members of the Piikani Nation
Aboriginal Houseing 403-328-8806 appropriate, safe, and affordable off-reserve housing for indigenous people.
Alberta Healthy Living 403-388-6675 Help with diet, weight management, and some phsyiotherapy. Wheelchair accessible facility
Therapeutic Recreation 403-388-6766 OT,PT, therapeutic rec. aquatic therapy. Regenal call center.
Blackfoot Resource Hub 587-787-4486 Provides cultural support, as well as help accessing resources and services for Blackfoot and indigenous peoples in Lethbridge
Blood Tribe Department of Health 403-737-3888 Includes health services, home care, wellness centre, non-insured health benefits, essential services, and continued care center
Galt Museum and Archives 403-320-3954 Exibits exploring the history of Alberta and Lethbridge, also includes special events and programs. All wheelchair accessible
Shoppers Home Health Care 403-328-5509 ex 45 Sells aids to daily living, therepetuic aids, and mobility aids
Lethbridge housing 403-329-0556 Accessible housing support in Lethbridge. Includes subsized living. Currently (2024-02-29) a 6 month wait period.